
Biographical 1 hr  11 mins 2014
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 2 ratings

Reports, footage and videos of one of the most famous and controversial Brazilian surfers Dadá Figueiredo, who quickly rose to fame becoming a true icon in the 1980's.

Dada Figueiredo, Julio Adler, Freddy D'Orey

Movie Details
Synopsis Reports, footage and videos of one of the most famous and controversial Brazilian surfers Dadá Figueiredo, who quickly rose to fame becoming a true icon in the 1980's.
Athletes Dada Figueiredo, Julio Adler, Freddy D'Orey, Marcelo Andrade, Ricardo Boc*o
Genres Biographical
Director Raphael Erichsen
Studio FUEL TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 1 hr  11 mins
Language English | Stereo
Stream HD | 1920x1080